Hello Blog, I haven't seen you in a long while! I just suddenly felt like writing a post today. It's a little over a year since I finished radiation...my neighbor is about to start her radiation treatments tomorrow, so that got me remembering again. Not that I ever really forget!
I am feeling good these days. Here's what's new:
I'm working full time, as a Kindergarten assistant at India's school--I love it, but do miss being with Griffin, and miss being able to go to support group;
I have seen everyone from my team over the past few months, and all seems fine and good--I'm seeing my oncologist twice a year now, but now need only an annual visit to the breast surgeon and radiation oncologist;
Not quite done with the plastic surgeon, though...I'm scheduled for one more little mini-surgery coming up in January, for a bit more 'fat grafting' to round out the breasts, after which I can finally have the nipple tattood;
And...suddenly last week I started to have lymphedema in my hand and arm--I'm now wearing a compression bandage to get the swelling down, and then will be fitted for a sleeve/glove that I'll have to wear all the time, at least for a few months. It's rather hard to function with this bandage from finger tips to upper arm, but I think it's working...along with a manual lymph-drainage massage that the physical therapist does, and that I do myself at home. This is what comes of losing 27 lymph nodes, I guess.
Emma graduated from college and now has a job, a shared house, and a new boyfriend...she seems very happy. Lily is in middle school now, and loves it...she's doing so well there. India is rocking second grade...she has a great teacher. Both Lily and India played soccer this fall, and are enjoying their contemporary dance class. Griffin is now at a Montessori preschool two days a week...he cries a little when we drop him off, but then has a lot of fun there. The other days he is watched at home by Dad and Grandparents. We are all feeling very lucky to be healthy and blessed...and very very lucky to have escaped any damage from hurricane Sandy.
I have to say, I was tremendously relieved that President Obama was re-elected! The threat of 'Obamacare' getting repealed was very stressful to me...I was very worried about the possibility of losing my health insurance. Not to mention all the other horrible possibilities if the teapublicans gained control. So, lots of happiness and relief here lately.
Peace, love, and health to all,