Thank you to everyone who has made a financial donation! We think we now have the PayPal account linked up; if you got a message saying your donation was not delivered, just wait a day or two, and we hope it will all go through. We'll post an updated amount once we are sure things are set.
Thank you also to everyone who has offered a service or a support. The outpouring has been amazing! I am doing my best to keep up with all the emails I have gotten, but there are a lot! It's a great problem to have! Thank you for your patience as I compile all the info sent via email and in the comments section here and get it to Liz in a manageable format.
Liz planned to send me some text to post for her, but she's had plenty to do/read/think. So I'll share briefly that I had a short visit with her yesterday after she'd had her initial appointment with the woman who is her doctor (and is a surgeon), one of a three-person team that will include a radiologist and an oncologist. There are also financial counselors available at VHC.
Liz's MRI and mammogram are scheduled for tomorrow, January 26. She has an appointment with a radiologist on February 10. She'd like to wait until then to discuss her diagnosis with the girls.
Right now, Liz is not feeling in need of lots of help with meals. If you get inspired, remember that she is a vegetarian and that healthy and anti-oxidant rich are keys.
Liz has gotten a ton of great information about things TO do, but she is requesting some help finding out what foods, herbs, supplements, oils, etc. are contraindicated for a patient with breast cancer.
Also, is there somewhere she can test her milk down the line if she does a round of a medication and wants to resume nursing but first test to see that the meds are out of her body?
If you have time to look into the above and get any answers, post them here, or email them to Liz directly or to LetsHelpLiz (at) gmail (dot) com
-Jessica H.
Likely no soy (estrogen) and dairy, unless it is raw (hormones).