Saturday, March 5, 2011

Update: approaching second chemo

Liz writes:

"This week was my 'off' week, and generally I have been feeling pretty normal.  My white blood cell count is supposed to dip down during the off weeks, but so far no sign of any problems.  I had the MRI to check on the pancreas thing, and the report came back a benign cyst.  I am still supposed to follow up with a will be doing that soon.  I will see the oncologist on Monday, and then chemo #2 on Tuesday.
My mother and I visited the American Cancer Society in Vienna, and I received a free wig...I chose a long dark brown glamorous one, it's a Jessica Simpson brand...very fancy.  Lily wore it to school on crazy hair day!  I'm not sure I'll actually wear it, but maybe it will come in handy for special occasions.  I also got a beautiful home-made bag and pillow to take to chemo, as well as lots of informational booklets.

I've been feeling lots of ups and downs emotionally this week...probably due to how the sudden weaning has effected my hormones.  Not being able to nurse Griffin is still so hard for me.  He is doing remarkably well with the change, but there are times when nothing comforts him...and I know nursing would have.

I would like to give a huge thank-you for the wonderful meals we received this week.  Thank you Arlene, Kimberley, Alexa, Lisa A. and Lisa L.!  Everything was delicious, healthy, and made our life so much easier.  We are very grateful.

Love you all,

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