Sunday, May 22, 2011

Update Chemo #7

Liz writes:

This week started out with a visit to my surgeon, Dr. G.  She did a sonogram of the tumors, to see how they are reacting to the taxol...and there has been significant shrinkage!  The larger one went from 3.5 cm originally, to 2.5 cm after the AC, to now 1.5 cm after two taxols!  The smaller one has also shrunk, but not as much.  Please help me visualize total, or near total, shrinkage by the time chemo is done...

Wednesday was chemo #7!  I can't believe there is only one more seems like I've been doing this forever, and yet hard to believe I've done it 7 times already.  I actually can't wait for the last one, so it will be over with at last.  This week my Dad came with me for the first half of the session...then he had to get back to work, so Tammi, my wonderful midwife, took over for the second half.  Bet she never thought she'd be midwifing me through a chemo treatment!  Again, it was so comforting to have people I love there with me for company.

A few new little side effects this finger nails are turning yellow and bumpy, and I had a weird prickling feeling right after the treatment, as if my skin was getting poked by needles (that went away by the next day, luckily).  Aside from that, it's just the usual fatigue and bone/joint pain.  The fatigue is bad, like just standing still is exhausting...but nothing I can't handle for one more treatment (did I mention I have just one more chemo left?).

Thanks so much to Kara and Sara for the wonderful dinners this week!  And also to Sara for hanging out with me all day on Thursday, bringing me breakfast, making me lunch, organizing my new art supply cabinet, and generally being just a wonderful friend.

And a huge congratulations to Kim, who has just been declared cancer-free!  I am so happy for her, and can't wait until I hear those words as well.

Love you all,

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